
The Idea

A friend of mine was a vegetarian when I met him, but he wanted to start hunting and decided that he would start eating meat that he either killed or caught, or that friends killed or caught. We’d go out and he would tell people he was a vegetarian, because he wouldn’t eat meat in restaurants or at people’s houses since he or they didn’t kill it or catch it. We used to tease him and say “you’re not a vegetarian; you eat more meat than we do.” So he came up with the term catchetarian. Some people think that “killatarian” is more appropriate, since the only thing he really “catches” is fish. Either way, it’s a sustainable way of eating that involves all sorts of yummy dishes, so another friend and I thought it will be cool to write down some of the recipes we’ve come up with. They are easily adaptable to any meat, but I have found that most of the game recipes I come across are for complicated, “fancy” dishes, the kind of stuff I don’t usually eat. You will find some “fancy” stuff here, but also lots of average down to earth dishes like sloppy joes and tacos. Feel free to add any of your own, and enjoy!

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